Mr. Girard's 4th and 5th grades




Dear Parents,

Hope you've had a great & safe Summer!

FCA Orientation will be held on Thursday, August 19th 
11:00-12:00 preschool

3:00-4:30 K-5th 

6:00-7:00 6th -11th 

I Hope to see you there!



If you send in a self-addressed, stamped, legal sized envelope we will mail your child’s SAT scores when they arrive.  Otherwise, they may be picked up at the school office in August.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Swine Flu Virus
Help us keep the spread of the flu at our school to a minimum:
*Do not send children to school if they are sick. If your child appears to be sick while at school, he or she will be isolated and we will ask you to take him/her home.
*Keep sick children at home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have fever without using fever-reducing medications. This will help reduce the number of children, staff, and parents who are infected.
*Encourage frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based sanitizer. A personal size kept in the lunch box is a good idea for upper grades. 
*Discourage sharing of personal items like drinks, food, utensils. Cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or cough/sneeze into the elbow, arm, or sleeve.
*Consult your doctor if your child gets sick and make sure he/she gets plenty of rest and lots of fluids.


Ongoing opportunities for volunteering:

-Parents needed to assist the children        
*Leave a message for Amy Nardin
Parents needed to read to the students
*Leave a message for Ashley Hodges




                                                     National Geographic for Kids